Bling-Bang-Bang-Born in Major Key


We are practicing the popular children’s song Bling-Bang-Bang-Born on the violin. Everyone is working hard on their favorite song.

Indeed, most of the songs we’ve played so far have been in A major or D major, and for them, the C note has always been sharped. This time, it’s a significant step as they’re playing a piece in A minor where C becomes natural.

While practicing with the sheet music, if they make C sharp, the melody turns into a major key. So to help them understand the difference, I played a part of the song on the piano, and they absolutely loved it. Just like when I played Mary’s Lamb in a minor key before and they laughed, this Bling… is really cute.

Until now, I’ve focused on expanding our repertoire, so especially for children under elementary school age, I haven’t spent much time on logical aspects like note reading, preferring to let them learn by feel. As a result, many children think of A major as “Do Re Mi…”, and I’ve struggled to help them understand that it’s different from C major on the piano. I’m not trying to force understanding, but waiting for the time when they’ll naturally accept it as they develop.

But the children’s smiling faces while listening were adorable.

By the way, since I didn’t have a thumbnail photo, I used one from when I played violin at the seaside during a holiday. No offense intended.


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